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NA/EU price data only
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Fast Guides: Artificing

Initial Cost
Expected Recovery
- 66619
Expected Final Cost

27 微型斯瓦尼亚之子屠戮药剂 - Sold for 2 per via Vendor
27 微型恶魔屠戮药剂 - Sold for 2 per via Vendor
54 小型掘洞人屠戮药剂 - Sold for 89 per via Max Buyout
81 半人马屠戮药剂 - Sold for 71 per via Max Buyout
81 中型噩梦之庭屠戮药剂 - Sold for 137 per via Max Buyout
81 中型毁灭者屠戮药剂 - Sold for 120 per via Max Buyout
81 大型斯瓦尼亚之子屠戮药剂 - Sold for 135 per via Max Buyout
72 大型恶魔屠戮药剂 - Sold for 126 per via Max Buyout
11 体力新木聚能器 - Sold for 59 per via Max Buyout
27 坚韧软木法杖 - Sold for 92 per via Max Buyout
12 肆虐风干木三叉戟 - Sold for 86 per via Max Buyout
1 肆虐软木节杖 - Sold for 192 per via Max Buyout
5 腐朽古木三叉戟 - Sold for 89 per via Vendor
1 腐朽蛇妖三叉戟 - Sold for 2060 per via Max Buyout
1 暴怒者蛇妖三叉戟 - Sold for 2063 per via Max Buyout
1 骑士蛇妖三叉戟 - Sold for 1755 per via Max Buyout
1 女武神蛇妖三叉戟 - Sold for 1715 per via Max Buyout
9 骑士硬木三叉戟 - Sold for 114 per via Max Buyout
39 口蹄动物合剂 - Sold for 1 per via Minimum Sale Price
1 刺客蛇妖三叉戟 - Sold for 1670 per via Max Buyout

The API key you enter needs 'inventories' permissions for bank items and 'unlocks' for recipes.
You can generate a key here.

Clicking the button will update the quantities of all items in your bank and material storage that are used in this guide.

Name of an item and its per unit cost.
Remaining Cost


罐装水 (8 per from Vendor)
煤块 (16 per from Vendor)
原基块 (48 per from Vendor)


672 , Master Craftsman or Vendor
672 , Master Craftsman or Vendor
672 , Master Craftsman or Vendor
672 , Master Craftsman or Vendor
672 , Master Craftsman or Vendor

Total : 3360
Remaining Cost

COLLECTIBLES(Check Bank First or Buy on TP)

铁矿石 (83 per)
秘银矿石 (56 per)
白金矿石 (145 per)
银矿石 (17 per)
上古原木 (41 per)
新生原木 (18 per)
硬质原木 (98 per)
软芯原木 (23 per)
风干原木 (82 per)
粗糙皮革边料 (57 per)
耐磨皮革边料 (204 per)
荧光尘堆 (56 per)
微光尘堆 (143 per)
光明尘堆 (590 per)
高亮尘堆 (505 per)
炽光尘堆 (161 per)
完整毒囊 (445 per)
强效毒囊 (65 per)
光滑鳞片 (331 per)
大型鳞片 (67 per)
弱效血瓶 (9 per)
强效血瓶 (74 per)
微型图腾 (5 per)
精致图腾 (111 per)
大型骨骼 (65 per)
微型钩爪 (6 per)
大型钩爪 (69 per)
大型牙齿 (67 per)
毁灭者碎块 (155 per)
胡萝卜 (172 per)
莴苣头 (207 per)
菠菜叶 (110 per)
厚红肉 (192 per)
Remaining Cost

Mixed (Buy on TP)

体力新木铭文 (35 per)
坚韧软木铭文 (94 per)
肆虐干木铭文 (1350 per)
肆虐软木铭文 (228 per)


Tier 1. Levels 0-75:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
54 罐装水 (8 per)
165 新生原木 (18 per)
11 体力新木铭文 (35 per)
54 荧光尘堆 (56 per)
27 弱效血瓶 (9 per)
54 微型图腾 (5 per)
27 微型钩爪 (6 per)

Cost: 7486 (Rolling Total: 7486)

Level: 0

Make: 55 新生木板
Make: 11 新木聚能器模具
Make: 11 新木聚能器内核

新木聚能器模具 (1)
新木聚能器内核 (1)
体力新木铭文 (1)

Make: 10 体力新木聚能器

Level: 25


罐装水 (1)
荧光尘堆 (1)
微型图腾 (1)
微型钩爪 (1)

Make: 26 微型斯瓦尼亚之子屠戮药剂

Level: 50


罐装水 (1)
荧光尘堆 (1)
弱效血瓶 (1)
微型图腾 (1)

Make: 26 微型恶魔屠戮药剂

Tier 2. Levels 75-150:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
27 罐装水 (8 per)
27 铁矿石 (83 per)
27 银矿石 (17 per)
334 软芯原木 (23 per)
27 坚韧软木铭文 (94 per)
1 肆虐软木铭文 (228 per)
27 微光尘堆 (143 per)

Cost: 17225 (Rolling Total: 24711)

Level: 75

Make:167 软芯木板
Make: 27 软木法杖杖身
Make: 27 软木法杖头
Make: 1 软木节杖杖杆
Make: 1 软木节杖内核

软木节杖杖杆 (1)
软木节杖内核 (1)
肆虐软木铭文 (1)



软木法杖杖身 (1)
软木法杖头 (1)
坚韧软木铭文 (1)

Make: 26 坚韧软木法杖



罐装水 (1)
铁矿石 (1)
银矿石 (1)
微光尘堆 (1)

Make: 26 小型掘洞人屠戮药剂

Tier 3. Levels 150-225:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
27 胡萝卜 (172 per)
40 罐装水 (8 per)
72 铁矿石 (83 per)
72 风干原木 (82 per)
27 粗糙皮革边料 (57 per)
13 耐磨皮革边料 (204 per)
24 煤块 (16 per)
12 肆虐干木铭文 (1350 per)
40 光明尘堆 (590 per)
13 厚红肉 (192 per)

Cost: 63715 (Rolling Total: 88426)


Make: 24 钢锭
Make: 24 风干木板
Make: 12 钢质三叉戟头
Make: 12 干木三叉戟身

钢质三叉戟头 (1)
干木三叉戟身 (1)
肆虐干木铭文 (1)

Make: 11 肆虐风干木三叉戟



胡萝卜 (1)
罐装水 (1)
粗糙皮革边料 (1)
光明尘堆 (1)

Make: 26 半人马屠戮药剂



罐装水 (1)
耐磨皮革边料 (1)
光明尘堆 (1)
厚红肉 (1)

Make: 12 口蹄动物合剂

Tier 4. Levels 225-300:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
54 罐装水 (8 per)
27 莴苣头 (207 per)
27 菠菜叶 (110 per)
36 白金矿石 (145 per)
81 硬质原木 (98 per)
27 煤块 (16 per)
18 原基块 (48 per)
27 高亮尘堆 (505 per)
27 完整毒囊 (445 per)
27 光滑鳞片 (331 per)
27 毁灭者碎块 (155 per)

Cost: 62217 (Rolling Total: 150643)


Make: 27 硬质木板
Make: 18 暗钢锭
Make: 9 硬质木榫
Make: 9 暗钢三叉戟头
Make: 9 硬木三叉戟身
Make: 9 骑士硬木铭文

暗钢三叉戟头 (1)
硬木三叉戟身 (1)
骑士硬木铭文 (1)

Make: 8 骑士硬木三叉戟



罐装水 (1)
莴苣头 (1)
菠菜叶 (1)
完整毒囊 (1)

Make: 26 中型噩梦之庭屠戮药剂



罐装水 (1)
煤块 (1)
高亮尘堆 (1)
毁灭者碎块 (1)

Make: 26 中型毁灭者屠戮药剂

Tier 5. Levels 300-400:

Notice: If you are following the full guide then you already purchased these materials. This buylist may be missing items that are used in later tiers, but are crafted in this tier. Such as Lucent Motes.
51 罐装水 (8 per)
100 秘银矿石 (56 per)
135 上古原木 (41 per)
51 炽光尘堆 (161 per)
15 强效毒囊 (65 per)
15 大型鳞片 (67 per)
24 强效血瓶 (74 per)
51 精致图腾 (111 per)
30 大型骨骼 (65 per)
42 大型钩爪 (69 per)
15 大型牙齿 (67 per)

Cost: 35024 (Rolling Total: 185667)


Make: 50 秘银锭
Make: 45 上古木板
Make: 5 上古木榫
Make: 10 秘银三叉戟头
Make: 10 上古三叉戟身
Make: 5 腐朽上古铭文

秘银三叉戟头 (1)
上古三叉戟身 (1)
腐朽上古铭文 (1)

Make: 4 腐朽古木三叉戟



罐装水 (1)
炽光尘堆 (1)
精致图腾 (1)
大型钩爪 (1)

Make: 26 大型斯瓦尼亚之子屠戮药剂


Make: 10 秘银板甲榫

罐装水 (1)
炽光尘堆 (1)
强效血瓶 (1)
精致图腾 (1)

Make: 23 大型恶魔屠戮药剂


Make: 1 腐朽秘银注魔铭文
Make: 1 暴怒者秘银注魔铭文
Make: 1 骑士秘银注魔铭文
Make: 1 女武神秘银注魔铭文
Make: 1 刺客秘银注魔铭文

秘银三叉戟头 (1)
上古三叉戟身 (1)
腐朽秘银注魔铭文 (1)


秘银三叉戟头 (1)
上古三叉戟身 (1)
暴怒者秘银注魔铭文 (1)


秘银三叉戟头 (1)
上古三叉戟身 (1)
骑士秘银注魔铭文 (1)


秘银三叉戟头 (1)
上古三叉戟身 (1)
女武神秘银注魔铭文 (1)


秘银三叉戟头 (1)
上古三叉戟身 (1)
刺客秘银注魔铭文 (1)


Nothing. You are done!