Do not refresh this page. It may change. Updated: 2025-03-12T04:00+00:00

Archive Link(Good for 3 months)

NA/EU price data only
Notice: you are following a F2P guide. Click here for a Core account guide.
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Fast Guides

Initial Cost
Expected Recovery
- 5510
Expected Final Cost

28 碗装烘焙师干料 - Sold for 31 per via Max Buyout
27 杯装炸马铃薯 - Sold for 16 per via Max Buyout
28 碗装葡萄馅饼填料 - Sold for 23 per via Max Buyout
28 红灯笼辣椒堆 - Sold for 1 per via Minimum Sale Price
27 碗装苹果酱 - Sold for 17 per via Max Buyout
27 迷迭香面包 - Sold for 103 per via Max Buyout
28 碗装草莓馅饼填料 - Sold for 1 per via Minimum Sale Price
27 红辣椒汁 - Sold for 10 per via Max Buyout

The API key you enter needs 'inventories' permissions for bank items and 'unlocks' for recipes.
You can generate a key here.

Clicking the button will update the quantities of all items in your bank and material storage that are used in this guide.

Name of an item and its per unit cost.
Remaining Cost


Note: 11 Basil Leaf(e.g.) means buy 1 bulk Basil Leaf and you will have 14 left over

35 per 25
Milton Book - Cornucopian Fields(Gendarran Fields 25-35)
Apple Jack(16 per) - Cornucopian Fields(Gendarran Fields 25-35)
35 per 25
Yoal - Quetzal(Caledon Forest 1-15)
Researcher Hrappa - Voloxian Passage(Metrica Province 1-15)
Milton Book - Cornucopian Fields(Gendarran Fields 25-35)
35 per 25
Master Craftsman or Vendor
35 per 25
Master Craftsman or Vendor
49 per 25
Master Craftsman or Vendor
袋装面粉 (8 per from Vendor)
发酵粉包 (8 per from Vendor)
盐包 (8 per from Vendor)
袋装白糖 (8 per from Vendor)
罐装水 (8 per from Vendor)
袋装淀粉 (8 per from Vendor)

Total : 378
Remaining Cost

COLLECTIBLES(Check Bank First or Buy on TP)

马铃薯 (63 per)
草莓 (86 per)
红辣椒 (53 per)
迷迭香嫩叶 (123 per)
Remaining Cost

Mixed (Buy on TP)

葡萄 (24 per)


Level: 0


袋装白糖 (1)
罐装水 (1)
苹果 (1)

Make: 26 碗装苹果酱

Level: 25


马铃薯 (1)
盐包 (1)

Make: 26 杯装炸马铃薯

Level: 50


芝士块 (1)
红辣椒 (1)

Make: 26 红辣椒汁

Level: 75

Make: 28 碗装烘焙师干料


Make: 28 红灯笼辣椒堆


Make: 28 碗装草莓馅饼填料



袋装面粉 (1)
酵母包 (1)
罐装水 (1)
迷迭香嫩叶 (1)

Make: 26 迷迭香面包


Make: 28 碗装葡萄馅饼填料


Nothing. You are done!